Thursday, December 15, 2011

Here's what I need!

I got another mailer from my Congressman yesterday. He still wants a Balanced Budget Amendment. He's on the Judiciary Committee and says he'll use his position to fight for it. I'm not sure what the Judiciary Committee has to do with the budget but then they all have ways of linking things together (Six Degrees of Bacon). Anyway, here's what I need from my Congressman.

-I need for him to do his job. That includes balancing the budget. I shoudn't need an amendment to make him do what he's supposed to do anyway.

-I need him to stop taking money from special interest groups and lobbyists. He's supposed to be listening to his constituents and representing them. Along those lines, what is he doing signing a "pledge" from a lobbyist and non-constituent that limits his ability to compromise and bargain on positions thereby abdicating his power to the lobbyist?

-I need for him to stop putting earmarks into the budget (ref earlier remark).

-I need for him to follow the laws that we already have and stop making new ones to get his name in the books. He may also consider living under those same laws, not above them. One for instance would be stock market insider trading in Congress.

-I need for him to leave office and NOT be a career politician. Get back out in the real world and see how the other 99% live. You are not part of an aristocracy. He actually thinks that being a career politician is a positive on his resume. REALLY? Maybe he should get a real job and work for a living. Or, better yet, become an entrepreneur and help create those jobs he so desperately complains about.

I could go on but I'll save some for a later post.