Sunday, November 22, 2009

Time for real change!

I’m sick of Congressional hearings where nothing is accomplished except free airtime for our Representatives. While listening to these hearings, one has to wonder where they get their information. FOX News? Rush Limbaugh? Sarah Palin? I’m not sure what drugs they’re on but, I suggest they up the dosage. They can’t though because it’s not covered under their healthcare plan.

It’s one thing to offer constructive criticism; it’s another to sit there and try to blame an administration that has been in office less than a year and inherited an economy that was in the biggest nose dive since the depression. Had our Representatives done their job during the last eight years, maybe the economy wouldn’t be where it is today. If you’re not going to help, then get out of the way. At least the current administration is doing something. While you may not agree with everything they’ve done, it’s better than doing nothing. Time will tell. All I’ve heard is complaining and partisan politics from both sides. There’s enough blame to go around but pointing the finger isn’t fixing anything. Stop wasting our time and do the job that we, as tax payers, are paying for. I agree with the Representatives that are calling for a new direction and a personnel change. They should resign as our Representatives, step down, get out of the way. Get new blood in those positions and new ideas flowing again.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Last week I received a brochure from my Representative. What a joke! He talks about investigating ACORN, how he is defending the Constitution, opposes the President’s budget, opposes health care reform, and how Congress does not receive pay raises. OMG! It’s hard to believe anyone would buy into anything he says.

To start with, I don’t have a problem with investigating ACORN. In fact, I would support investigating all the organizations involved in lobbying congress and spending tax dollars. I know that won’t float because then he’d probably find that most of those organizations are corrupt and he’d lose money going into his political pocket. More oversight into those organizations is needed, both liberal and conservative.

If he really supports the checks and balances in our Constitution then he should support a line item veto for the executive branch. If the President vetoes the pork added to a bill, all he needs is a 60% vote to pass them anyway. Why don’t they support this? Because it would highlight, to the American public, the amount of waste being spent by our Congress. While we’re at it, lets add term limits to the mix. Our founders never meant for Representatives and Senators to be permanent fixtures on Capitol Hill. They were all businessmen and farmers in their own right. This man has never held a real job his entire adult life yet he legislates ours. There is something fundamentally wrong with that. VOTE THEM ALL OUT!

He opposes the President’s budget because it would raise taxes and double the national debt. He didn’t have a problem overspending my tax dollars during the last 8 years, supporting wars that have done more harm than good, putting the economy in turmoil and dumping that debt on our children. During that time he helped grow government. Congress and the executive branch were out of control with little or no checks and balances and yet he states that he supports the Constitution. I think he speaks with forked tongue.

He opposes health care reform because he receives lobby money from insurance and drug companies. Yet he claims to be working for our best interest. While he’s growing his bottom line, we are left to fend for ourselves. That’s fine, I’ll fend for myself but, don’t get in my way and be part of the problem.

Finally, he states that Congress doesn’t receive pay raises. THAT’S A FLAT OUT LIE! Congress passed legislation that provides COLA (Cost Of Living Allowance) increases every year unless Congress votes NO. By not voting, they automatically get a pay raise. So while the rest of us have seen our purchasing power shrink, his has gone up or stayed the same. It’s a matter of semantics. Sorry Representative, you can’t pull the wool over my eyes that easily.

The last thing that raised my ire last week was Sarah Palin. This woman is a megalomaniac. Can she embarrass herself anymore? She doesn’t have an original thought in her head. During interviews she talks just like a politician though; she can’t answer a single question with a straightforward answer. She grades the President a 4 out of 10 because of his handling of the economy and foreign policy? She has no concept of what is going on in our economy and can see Russia from the shores of Alaska (her foreign policy experience). Most of the Mayors in our cities have more experience in these areas than she can imagine. She was too stressed out with her Governor’s job so she quit. I guess she would have done better in the Vice President’s seat. I’m not sure she even knows how our system of government works. As for her comments about the President “dithering” on foreign policy, can she come up with something more original than using the same words that Mr Cheney used during his speech? I'm glad to see some deliberation and analysis before sending more of our fine young men and women into harms way. Ms Palin is on the book tour scene and avoiding major metropolitan markets. Why? Even though she needs to sell books, she can’t perform under the pressure of the spotlight without embarrassing herself. If you want to read a trashy fiction novel, then buy her book. If you want the facts, you will have to go elsewhere.